"When I don't measure up to much in this life... I'm a treasure in the arms of Christ."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Things I've Thought Today #1

So I used to do this thing on Facebook, where I would post a note entitled "Things I've Thought Today." It was just a random collection of thoughts/musings I had, and people really seemed to enjoy them. I think even back then I felt the urge to blog, because this feels like something that transfers perfectly into this format. So, I'm going to start doing it here. :)

To give you a little background on me, here are the things I thought on June 28, 2010:

"1. Sunburn + being in the sun + bra straps = OUCH.

2. I guess I really like to write things in the "__ + __ = __" format. I do that in my status updates a lot. Maybe on a subconscious level, I really enjoy math?

3. It is highly possible that I have an addiction to shopping. Which is weird, because if you knew me in high school you might remember that I hated going shopping. Maybe now those 18 years of repressed shopping desire are all spilling out.

4. When I meet a stranger and find out that person is also a Christian, I feel happy inside. Like I somehow know them already. :)

5. I have never gotten a traffic ticket (except for parking), and I have never caused a car accident. Despite these facts, I actually do not think I am a very great driver. It sucks to admit that, but it's probably the truth. :-P

6. In my opinion, texting is one of the greatest technological advancements we've had in recent years. Some would argue that it replaces actual conversation and that's bad, but in my experience it's the opposite. I have a lot more contact with people via texting that I wouldn't have otherwise, because we're not in a phone call-friendly relationship, or because I don't have that much to say all at once.

7. I got my hair cut on Friday, and I'm not happy with it. But at least 5 people at church yesterday told me it looked super cute. So, maybe it does... or maybe everyone just likes to be polite. :)

8. Surprise savings are the best! Today I went to Borders to buy a particular book. It wasn't marked on sale, but when she rang it up I unexpectedly saved 33%. How fun!

9. Sometimes it can take months, or even years, of knowing a person before you realize how much you have in common with them. This has happened to me a lot recently. So, just because someone in your life is much older or younger than you, in a different stage of life, a different gender, a different political leaning, or whatever: don't dismiss them. You never know how valuable a friend that person may turn out to be.

10. I still miss my old friends. There are many of you that I used to be super close friends with, and now for one reason or another we are just acquaintances. In most cases no hard feelings are involved, we just drifted apart. But just know that I miss you.

11. I. Love. Wearing. Skirts. I don't know why. ;)

12. I really want to go on a vacation with a girlfriend of mine!

13. For some reason I always feel a little weird referring to my female friends as "girlfriends," even though it's quite common.

14. I am going on a mission trip to Guatemala in August, and I am TOTALLY excited and TOTALLY scared all at once. It's awesome. :D"

Again, that was from June, so I have since gone on the Guatemala trip (which was INCREDIBLE). Weird timing that I posted this now though, because I actually also just got a haircut - on Saturday this time - and I don't know if I'm crazy about it. :P

Keep an eye out for more things I've thought... :D

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